Interreg Atlantic Area expands AA-FLOODS Project


AA-FLOODS Project, which BÓREAS coordinates both technically and operatively, has proven to be one of the most interesting, innovative and best managed projects financed by the Interreg Atlantic Area Program in the period 14-20.

It has recently obtained an additional financing of €488,000, of which BÓREAS participates for the design and execution of Nature-Based Solutions that mitigate flood risks in urban settlements by recovering the natural morphology and dynamics of rivers.

BÓREAS assumes the territorial and environmental studies that allow numerical modeling of hydrology and hydraulics to predict the behavior of floods in different river restoration scenarios. Among them, the reconnection to the main channel of meanders blocked by agriculture, or the recovery of alluvial plains for controlled flooding, which will require BÓREAS to make a significant negotiating effort with farmers, River Basin Authorities and other stakeholders.

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